Commission Supports Newsom’s Proposal to Address California’s Home Insurance Crisis

The Little Hoover Commission released a letter on July 29, 2024 in support of Governor Gavin Newsom’s pending legislation that would streamline the review of insurance rate filings. 

The letter, addressed to Governor Newsom and members of the California Legislature, states that the proposed legislation “would reduce uncertainty for insurers, help stabilize the market, and ultimately provide a greater chance of continued coverage for Californians seeking to insure their most valuable possession.”

Earlier this year, the Commission launched a study assessing the problems and potential solutions for Californians struggling to protect their homes. The Commission plans to release a full report later this year evaluating the state’s homeowners insurance market and making recommendations for reform. To be notified electronically of meetings, events, or when the review is complete, please subscribe to Little Hoover Commission updates at

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