2001-2002 Legislative Session

The Commission supported 14 bills in the 2001-2002 session that would implement its recommendations.  The measures were in the areas of children’s services, long-term care, adult mental health, prisons, special districts and teacher workforce.  Of those 14 measures, 7 were signed into law, 4 were vetoed, 2 were amended into other bills unrelated to Commission recommendations, and 1 failed passage.

Children’s Services

ACR 12 (Cardoza) Child abuse and neglect.
 Declares 2001 a year of heightened concern for special children, the victims of abuse and neglect.
Final Action: Signed by Governor, Chapter 27, Statutes of 2001.

AB 1257 (Cardenas) Income and bank and corporation taxes: credit: child care facilities.
 Expands the tax credit for child care facilities serving low-income families.
Final Action: Died in Assembly Appropriations.

SB 120 (Murray) Human services.
 Creates an undersecretary of foster care within the Health and Human Services Agency.
Final Action: Amended to become Senator Ortiz’s bill regarding Medi-Cal.

SB 308 (Escutia)
States the intent of the Legislature to provide financial assistance for all families eligible for subsidized child care within five years.
Final Action: Amended to become Assemblymember Soto’s bill regarding employee assistance programs.

SB 390 (Escutia) Child care and development programs: state master plan.
Seeks to develop a state master plan for child care and development services.
Final Action: Vetoed. 9/22/02

SB 841 (Alpert) Foster care: Early Start to Emancipation programs.
Increases state services targeted at older foster youth, specifically foster youth transitioning from middle to high school.
Final Action: Signed by Governor, Chapter 694, Statutes of 2001.

SB 1911 (Ortiz) Children’s mental health.
Sponsor:  LHC
Summary: Directs Department of Mental Health to explore opportunities to seek greater flexibility in the use of federal funds to improve mental health care to children.
Final Action: Signed by Governor Chapter 887, Statutes of 2002.

Long-term Care

AB 1075 (Shelley) Skilled nursing facilities: staffing ratios.
Seeks to improve patient care in nursing homes by establishing staffing ratios.
Final Action: Signed by Governor Chapter 684, Statutes of 2001.

Adult Mental Health

AB 1422 (Thomson) Mental health advocacy.
 Creates a Mental Health Advocacy Commission.
Final Action: Vetoed. 9/30/02

SB 30 (Chesbro) Mental health: Realignment Review Task Force.
 Establishes a Mental Health Realignment Review Task Force.
Final Action: Vetoed. 9/28/01

SB 1059 (Perata) Mentally ill offenders: Council on Mentally Ill Offenders.
 Creates a Council on Mentally Ill Offenders.
Final Action: Signed by Governor, Chapter 860, Statutes of 2001.


SB 404 (Polanco) Prisons: inmate education.
 Establishes a Correctional Board of Education within the California Department of Corrections.
Final Action: Vetoed. 10/12/01

Special Districts

SB 282 (Dunn) Controller: reports of special districts.
 Requires the Controller to report specific financial information on special districts with the highest revenues.
Final Action: Signed by Governor, Chapter 288, Statutes of 2001.

Teacher Workforce

SB 57 (Scott) Teacher credentialing.
 Allows teachers to earn their preliminary teaching credentials more quickly.
Final Action: Signed by Governor, Chapter 269, Statutes of 2001.