The Commission supported six bills that would implement its recommendations during the 2013-14 Legislative Session. The Commission only takes positions on legislation that would implement its recommendations. The measures that the Commission has supported during the 2013-14 Legislative Session are in the areas of education, energy governance, information technology and public safety. Of those six bills, one was signed into law and five failed to pass.
AB 1348 (Pérez) Postsecondary education: California Higher Education Authority.
Summary: Establishes the California Higher Education Authority responsible for, among other duties, measuring and reporting about the efficiency and effectiveness of the higher education segments in serving the state’s needs, making recommendations about how to improve the performance of the segments and acting as a clearinghouse for postsecondary education information. This bill relates to the Commission’s 2013 report, A New Plan for a New Economy: Reimagining Higher Education.
Support Letter
Final Action: From Senate committee without further action.
Energy Governance
AB 1763 (Perea) State energy plan for 2030 and 2050.
Summary: Requires the California Energy Commission, in consultation with the California Independent System Operator and other relevant state and local agencies, and interested stakeholders, to develop and submit to the Governor and Legislature, a report containing a state energy plan for 2030 and 2050 that promotes economic growth, ensures reliable, sustainable and affordable energy resources, and complements the state’s environmental stewardship goals. This bill relates to the Commission’s 2012 report, Rewiring California: Integrating Agendas for Energy Reform.
Support Letter
Final Action: From Senate committee without further action.
AB 1779 (Gaines) Energy resources: report.
Summary: Requires the California Energy Commission to prepare a report that assesses the effect in the aggregate of specified state policies on electricity reliability and rates and whether these policies are achieving the stated environmental and economic goals. The bill also requires the commission to consult with the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Air Resources Board, the State Water Resources Control Board and other appropriate executive branch organizations. This bill relates to the Commission’s 2012 report, Rewiring California: Integrating Agendas for Energy Reform.
Support Letter
Final Action: From committee without further action.
Information Technology
AB 2523 (Cooley) Department of Technology.
Summary: This bill takes steps toward installing a permanent team of senior consulting information technology (IT) experts within the Department of Technology to serve as advisors for other state agencies that are developing and deploying large technology projects. This bill relates to the Commission’s 2008 report, A New Legacy System: Using Technology to Drive Performance.
Support Letter
Final Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 391, Statutes of 2014.
Public Safety
SB 210 (Hancock) Criminal procedure: pretrial release.
Summary: Revises the criteria setting bail and pre-trial release which clarifies that in considering the history, characteristics and previous criminal record of a defendant, a judge may consider the results of an evidence-based pre-trial risk assessment instrument that is predictive of the defendant’s risk to public safety and the probability of him or her failing to appear at court hearings. The bill also authorizes a local government agency to conduct a pre-trial investigation report. This bill relates to the Commission’s May 2013 Letter to Governor Brown and the Legislature on Bail and Pre-Trial Services.
Support Letter
Final Action: From Assembly without further action.
SB 466 (DeSaulnier) California Institute for Criminal Justice Policy.
Summary: Establishes the California Institute for Criminal Justice Policy to facilitate a comprehensive and coordinated approach to identify effective public safety and justice systems and evidence-based practices; to develop cost-benefit analyses of criminal justice legislation; to produce a statewide plan for public safety; and, to develop strategies based on data and science that reduce recidivism and hold offenders accountable. The bill requests the institute be housed at the University of California to facilitate independent and nonpartisan research on criminal justice policy. This bill relates to the Commission’s 2014 report, Sensible Sentencing for a Safer California.
Support Letter
Final Action: From Assembly without further action.