Labor Trafficking: Strategies to Help Victims and Bring Traffickers to Justice
Report #252,
October 2020
Each year thousands of Californians fall prey to human trafficking, including hundreds who are exploited for the value of their labor, and California must do more to help these survivors and to bring traffickers to justice, says the state’s independent...
Labor Trafficking: Strategies to Uncover this Hidden Crime
Report #251,
September 2020
California must improve and expand efforts to identify labor trafficking, the state’s independent government watchdog recommends in a new report.
In Labor...
Human Trafficking: Coordinating a California Response
Report #250,
June 2020
California must better coordinate efforts to identify victims and help survivors of labor trafficking, California’s independent government watchdog urges in a new report.
Intimate Partner Violence: Getting the Money to Those on the Front Line
Report #249,
May 2020
Organizations providing shelter and other services to survivors of intimate partner violence should receive their state funding in an up-front payment at the start of their grant, rather than having to wait months to have the money reimbursed later,...
Mapping a Strategy for GIS
Report #248,
October 2019
California should strengthen its use of geographic information systems, or GIS, by creating a GIS Advisory Council and designating a full-time Geographic Information Officer, according to a report today by the Little Hoover Commission, the state’s...
Letter to Governor Newsom and the Legislature on Voting Equipment Security
Report #247,
March 2019
The Little Hoover Commission sent a letter to the Governor and Legislature, available here, on Monday, March 4, 2019, calling upon lawmakers...
The Economy & Efficiency Report 2017-18
Report #246,
February 2019
On Thursday, February 7, 2019, the Little Hoover Commission released the 2017-2018 edition of its biennial Economy and Efficiency Report.
Inside the report you will find a synopsis of our oversight work and accomplishments during the past two...
Artificial Intelligence: A Roadmap for California
Report #245,
November 2018
Today, the Little Hoover Commission issued Artificial...
Letter to Governor Brown and Legislature on Voter Participation in New Motor Voter Program
Report #244,
October 2018
Serious implementation errors have put the New Motor Voter Program in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, despite adding thousands of Californians to the voter rolls. Government failures with the program may serve to shake, if not seriously undermine,...
Letter to Governor Brown and Legislature on Denti-Cal Update
Report #243,
September 2018
Since the Commission’s first review in 2016, lawmakers have poured money into California’s Medicaid dental program, Denti-Cal, in order to attract dentists and improve access to dental care for millions of low-income children and adults. Yet, data...